问题:Hello everybody Kum Taek Oh(中级会员) 2006-5-9 21:04:52
Hi there. This is a friend of Perry from sydney, i'm a korean,i was pretty much interested in leaving a message for those martial art expert in china, in Shaobei.I was taught by perry to get into this website and leave a message for our KongFu mate whose in china.I would here Outline my master is Liu Xiao Jun, and he has a been a great master for years in my life, through doing Shaobei, i felt much more confident and brave in all sorts of situation. Shaobei is a vicious Style,and extremly useful in combat.i would like to say,ive been doing Tae'Kun'Do start from the age of 7 till 16, until i met my current ShaoBei master,Liu Xiao Jun.I clearly See the diffrence between those two Styles.Shaobei Is a very dangerous skill it deals massive damage to the opponent and has a good Evading/blocking chance.I'm here to thank our grandmaster Sincerely for bring back my confidence with such a wonderful martial art.
Thank you,your sincerely.
Kum Taek Oh